Wednesday, September 29, 2010

#7 We are going to talk about a short film I made yesterday by Walt Barrett

    I have reviewed and responded to all of the comments this morning.  I am very pleased to report that our membership is growing.
 Welcome to the new members. 
 I advise new members to use the index in the right margin, and obviously begin at the beginning.  Editing is difficult to learn until you learn all the tools that are available. Then it all falls into place and you will be surprised at how quickly you can put a piece together. I have chosen a free program, Video Spin, that is not too difficult and will lead you into a more professional version of the  Pinnacle Video Editor.  That is my plan.
 Well I had to spend yesterday producing the video above for a local political candidate.  This morning I'm thinking that I will take you through my process step by step.
1. The first thing I did was to write a script for our professional voice over performer,  Mr. Doug Warner  .  If anyone wants a copy of the script let me know.
2. Doug did a read through of the script and determined it was about a two minute read.
3. In the meantime I was mentally piecing a slide show of the town together.  I knew what I wanted to show in the video.
4. Then I had my wife Nancy drive me around town in a prescribed route while I made the various shots.
5. Next I made an appointment to photograph Mary Ann and part of her staff at her place of business.
6. I loaded all the photos into the computer to a folder for "maryann"
7.  I opened up the folder in Windows Live Photo Gallery   A free program from Windows Live, and I used the command FIX   You do that to each photo in the file folder, getting rid of any junk shots and color correcting and squaring up the rest.  We all have our share of junk shots.  It's a super free program.  I don't care for their video editing program though.  They had better in the XP version as far as I am concerned.  I prefer Pinnacle anyway.
8 In the meantime, Doug Warner had burned us a great voice over track and sent it on to me.
9. Now we basically have all the ingredients for our video.
10. Open up the Video Spin editor and load in the photo file for the video.
11. Mentally think of the order that you would like the slides to appear in the video.  They should run close to the order that you would like the to match with the voice over.  Just drag each slide down on to the video track 
12. Using the editor, find the voice file and load it into the program.  Then bring it up and drag it down to the voice track.  All video editors have a lot of similar drag and drop features.
You drop in your music track the same way.
13.  Play the video and listen to the voice track.
It may take several times.  You are looking to see if each scene, or slide matches up nicely with the comments on the voice track.
14.  You can move the slides around to their proper locations by dragging and dropping them if you are not happy with their order.  They should match the voice track.
15. I like my slides to change every five seconds, but you can follow the software instructions to change the slide duration time.
   Pinnacle has a 30 day free trial Version 14 of the full fledged editing program if you think you are advanced enough to use it.  Watch the tutorial, it's a gold mine of information.  This is the program I use.
   Now, the above is basically a simplified explanation of how to edit a slide show movie.  There are simple programs that easily make slide shows, but with most of them you have problems like changing the order of the slides, and dropping in voice overs, and music etc.  There are two kinds of video, home brew, and professional.  Always strive to to your very best. 
   This is a fairly involved lesson so I expect that if you will use the comment boxes to ask questions or complain, or something.
    As usual, I can send you the slides and the voice track files if you care to print out the page and follow my instructions.  You might even point out a problem.  I'm doing the best I can for you but, I am extremely busy making films.
Now let's do this together.

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